定頻系列 (Fixed-frequency series)  變頻系列 (Frequency-variable series)
WOLFCOMP 不僅提供可靠的螺旋壓縮機,也熱誠提供專業技術與完備諮詢服務,為保證產品標準化品質,嚴密監控零組件在裝配、測試、出貨程序,反覆的耐用測試與實務分析,不斷研發與創新,提供高品質螺旋壓縮機。

Besides reliable screw air compressors, WOLFCOMP provides also fervent services of professional techniques and comprehensive counseling.In order to assure of standardized quality of the roducts, the processes of assembly,testing and delivery of parts have been rigorously monitored, also, durability tests and real analysis have been repeated. The Company has ceasinglessly developed and innovated to offer high quality screw air compressors.


協煒科技有限公司 地址:桃園市蘆竹區龍安街三段132巷34號
E-MAIL:wolf.comp@msa.hinet.net TEL:(03)313-2733 FAX:(03)313-2275